Today I am going to make all about me. About this blog, blogging for beginners and a dilema I have come across. See, when I started this blog, I missed something that was very important. The term blogging for beginners is searched about 2400 times a month, which in theory is a great number to shoot for. It usually means that the competition will be on par for what a free blog should be able to compete with, without too much effort. But what I failed to realize is problogger hits at number one for this search term. Problogger is a monster of a blog, and one that this blog will not be able to overtake. Not even on my best days can I say I could ever compete with that blog, using this one. So, that leaves me with a hube hole in my blog traffic. So how do I fix that, how can I build up blog traffic or generate new blog traffic? It is the question I am asking myself now, now that I realize I an in a little bit of trouble!
Although I have not invested an unbelievable amount of time to this blog, it is important for it to succeed. It ia a stepping stone for something more I have in the works and in order for me to move forward I have to feel confident that this blog is operating at peak efficiency amd as of right now…It is pretty much running on E.
So, here is my plan of action.
I have 5 primary articles in this blog that I am going to focus on, giving them 100% of my attention, and using my techniques in building backlinks and increasing awareness.
Those posts are here:
Building Internal Blog Links
The Importance of Blog Commenting
Understanding Keywords and Phrases for beginner bloggers
Blog topic Ideas – Niche Blogging
What are Backlinkgs
I will be writing and submitting articles that will promote these individual posts. I will also be writing hubs that will be linking back to these posts. And for the hubs, I will be writing Helium articles and Bukisa Articles. Along with blog commenting on the blogs that may be talking about these topics. I am hoping that I can bring the traffic volume up with these particular posts, also meaning that the entire blog should see a substantial traffic increase.
So today, although this post it titled how to build blog traffic or generate blog traffic. I am not showing you how to, but how it may effect this blog by implementing my existing tactics.
As a base line, We can pretty much start at ‘0’ I do not see more than a couple of page views a day, I will start putting together some charts so we can see how this will effect my traffic.
So, that is it for today, wish me luck!!! I will try to make it a habit of talking about this process occasionally so you know where it stands, but will probably have a progress report ever couple of weeks, or whenever I feel it to be pertanent.
Thank you for reading blogging for beginners and please come back soon!
hi hello....nice site you got there,,