It is no secret. Facebook is a Phenomenon like no other has been seen on the internet. It has so twisted and weaved its way through ever bit and piece of the internet, there is no getting away from it. I, personally am not into the whole social networking as far as the social interaction is concerned. I am not that much of a people person and tend to find myself bothered by sites like Facebook. So, as of this time, I do not have a facebook account. And I have no intentions of starting a Facebook account. No real time or interest.
But from a blogging traffic standpoint, it can not be overlooked, nor can the other forms of social networking be overlooked. So, lest discuss this process a little bit.
Using facebook as an example first off. You have a chance with your facebook pace to let a large number of people know that you have a blog, and in turn you can direct a whole lot of traffic in one quick swoop, just by letting all your facebook friends know that you have a blog and would love people to check it out, through a simple status update. This is nice, this can be, if nothing more a huge ego stroke. And ego plays a big part in the continuation of your blog. Even if you don't look at it that way. You will become much more excited to do something if you are receiving some sort of positive affirmation of your efforts. It is human nature to do so. And there is nothing wrong with that.
I would like to make sure I am not confusing the reality though. You are not going to rank better in search engines if you occasionally mention your blog on your Facebook page. Google could care less. But it is short sighted to think it is not worth the effort then if you are not going to place well in Google from a link.
All along I have been preaching one thing over and over again. And that is awareness. Awareness is the key here. The coveted "Golden Ticket" you may say is in that awareness. Because what you HOPE will happen, is sooner or later, from that awareness you create, you will start to receive real, non-solicited backlinks to your blog. And these are worth more than any link you can build on your own. Not only to Google and the like, but to your overall traffic. Every time you get a random link from a new source you have opened up the opportunity to new viewers, new audience pools, and this alone my friend, is how you continually repeat the cycle. This is how you slowly but surly take your little blog to something that can be much more.
So. Now I think you get the idea I am going for. Creating awareness using social networking is a very powerful tool. Since I am not a Facebooker. I found other sites I use.
Twitter, is a wonderful option. It is very easy to build a large follower list. I am not sure how many followers I have at the moment, but I can tell you it is in the hundreds easily and I do not do anything to build my followers list. So, whenever I post a new blog post. I tweet that I have done so. It usually results in instant traffic to my blog. Or Awareness article, or Backlink Article. I will tweet any new property.
On top of that, I use Linkdin. It is a more business orientated Social Networking site. It really does not drive much traffic to my properties, mostly because I have very little interest in the site, and do not spend the time to build up a friend list.
And the last site I use is, PeopleString. Ok, it is pretty much Facebook with a twist. They pay you to use the site. They don't pay a lot. But like I have said before, I am driven by money. And every little bit will slowly add up. It all makes a little difference. People string is a social networking site, with a forum, and games, and message boards, with the twist being, they pay you a portion of their ad revenues, on a scale, depending on how much you use the site.
I am not here to get everyone to Join Peoplestring. Although, if you do use my referral link, it will improve my earnings (Hint hint). But What I am saying is, there are other sites besides Facebook, that can work equally well, if you give it time.
Twitter has been a wonderful tool for me. I use it all the time. I would recommend this one highly. Facebook also is probably the strongest tool out there for self promotion within your circle. And Peoplestring is a nice alternative for those of you who would like to try and earn a couple dollars along the way.
Again, it has not made me rich. Some claim that they make hundreds and thousands per month with the site. I have to casually question these statements. But who really knows.
Thank you for reading blogging for beginners, please come back soon!
ReplyDeleteReally this post is very helpful...
social networking is the an important key to improve your blog’s traffic by getting out the message to friends and otheres in your online social circles.
Thanks for sharing...